invisalign-frequently-asked-questionsIf your smile is not where you want it to be, come in for a complimentary Invisalign consultation. We can discuss treatment options and explain how it works.

The Invisalign Process

  1. We will take impressions of your teeth and make custom made Invisalign aligners to suit your unique treatment plan.
  2. Aligners will make slight adjustments to your tooth position and will follow the unique map we have planned for you.
  3. New aligners will be placed approximately every two weeks until treatment is finished and your smile is perfect.


  • Invisalign is nearly invisible, so the burden, embarrassment, and inconvenience of braces is over.
  • Aligners are easily removable so you can eat and drink whatever you want and brush and floss as you normally would.

Come see if Invisalign is right for you and regain that confidence of a perfect smile.