Financial & Insurance

We want our patients to be able to receive the dentistry they need. We have made arrangements for our patients to receive financing through Care Credit.

Care Credit has several options including 12 month 0% interest plans. Please ask us for details or visit the Care Credit website by clicking on the link above.

Dental Insurance

Dental Insurance differs from major medical insurance as it meant to help pay for basic treatment, rather than protect one against catastrophic losses. Relatively low maximums and high co-payments make dental insurance more of a helper in affording basic care than true insurance. Furthermore insurance companies have many restrictions on types of treatment they will cover. They will often not cover modern procedures such as implants and tooth colored fillings or preventive services like sealants. They will also use arbitrary fee schedules to determine benefits.

Insurance policies are a contract between patients, employers and the insurance company. We are a third party that is providing services and with the exception of Delta Dental, not directly involved with the benefits you receive. We will make every effort to help you get reimbursement from your plan, but we are not responsible for the benefits they determine.

We are a member of Delta Dental Premier. We are able to provide care for patients on most all PPO and indemnity dental plans. Benefits will vary depending on the plan and you can check with your plan for their policy for out of network dentists. We will electronically submit your insurance forms for you to allow for faster resolution of claims. If you have specific questions about your insurance that you can’t get answered from your plan, please ask Carmen in our office for help.